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If you want to move your existing business to McMinnville, or start a business here, MEDP can help with property searches and other questions including questions about Oregon business licensing and permits. Check out the LOCATE section to learn more.
To start a successful business requires preparation. We can connect you to great resources to start your planning. Start with research, then a business plan, and finally select a name and structure. Check out our business resources section to learn more.
Go to Business Xpress for easy registration steps.
No, the City of McMinnville does not currently require a business license. You will need to register your business with the State of Oregon as mentioned above.
The easiest way to find out your property's zoning is to either call the Planning Department at 503.434.7311 or to stop by their office at 231 NE Fifth Street for a quick look at the zoning maps. You may also want to pick up a zoning map to take with you. They are available for a small charge.
There are programs throughout the region and state to help you finance your company. Take a look at our financing page to help you find the right resources.
No, MEDP does not have a grant program. Yamhill County does have two grant programs. MEDP is available to answer any question you may have.
If you're searching for a location, visit our properties page to see what's available, or give us a call at 503.474.6814 and describe what you're looking for, we'll let you know if there's a property that fits your needs.
We know the people to connect you with to help you get your business plan started. Visit our business resources page to learn more.
Yes, businesses operated, or based, from home are required to obtain a Home Occupation Permit from the Planning Department. An application form for this permit is available in the Planning Department. Further information regarding Home Occupation Permits and the conditions under which they must operate are found in Chapter 17.67 of the McMinnville Zoning Ordinance.
No signage is permitted, other than that which is permitted by Section 17.62.040 of the McMinnville Zoning Ordinance.
"McMinnville is a town that really cares about everyone else in the town. Everyone looks out for each other. If there's something that someone needs, chances are there's another company that's willing to help out. Everyone's very connected."
– Chris Poole, Social Media Marketing Specialist, Oregon Lithoprint
Looking for more information? Give us a call at 503.474.6814