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©Eagle Eye Droneography




Ready to relocate?

Just contact us, we'll help

Flourish Away from the Crowds

We're here to help you fall in love with McMinnville. When you're ready to search available properties, discover financing options, and connect to our business community, contact us. 

Whether you're a site selector or a business owner, we're your first point of contact. We'll make it easy to find what you need and we'll treat all your relocation inquiries as confidential. In McMinnville, civic, education, and business leaders work together for a prosperous community.


Industrial sites, commercial sites, and land


Find resources to help your workforce grow


From one-on-one consultations to planning and continuous improvement


Discover other thriving businesses in McMinnville


Learn the incentives available for companies in Oregon


Demographics and data for McMinnville

Need more info? Give us a call at 503.474.6814

Why Relocate to McMinnville?

It's more affordable here.

  • McMinnville Water and Light provides some of the lowest water and electric rates in the Pacific Northwest. 

There's room to grow away from the crowds.

  • McMinnville has more than 200 acres of industrial property with three large sites - 26, 28, and 90-140 acres earmarked for an innovation campus.
  • Industrial buildings, from smaller, leasable spaces to manufacturing buildings for sale.
  • Prime commercial locations on historic Third Street and the Granary District; both are destinations for tourists.
  • New developments with opportunities for commercial activity. 

McMinnville is well-planned and well-maintained.

  • Excellent wastewater collection and treatment system.
  • Strong infrastructure of utilities and fiber internet access.
  • New infrastructure projects along Third Street and Highway 18 funded by the State of Oregon (2024). 
  • One of Oregon's most active regional municipal airports with a new Airport Masterplan in the works (2024). 

People are ready to work.

Contact us to help you find the right property where your relocated business will prosper. Here you'll discover a community where business and government cooperate for the future of our city. 


“If I were looking to locate my headquarters anywhere in the United States, I would look at McMinnville. It’s a great place to raise families, it’s a great place to attract people and professionals. It has better wine and food than you’re going to get anywhere in the United States. It’s tough to believe that until you’ve tried it, but take it from someone who’s traveled a fair amount, the food here is better. The wine here is amazing.”

- Shon Holyfield, CEO, TTR

You're in good company. These businesses are located in McMinnville: 

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