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Invest in the Future of McMinnville

As part of the Investor Circle, you're in good company. With the support of our partners, local businesses, and elected officials, we continue to work towards building a better economy, and future, for McMinnville.

Want to help? Invest here.

MEDP's work is to retain, attract, and grow traded sector business in McMinnville, Oregon. Our traded sector businesses annually impact McMinnville's economy with: 


$334 M

$1.565 B
Economic Output

*based on 2019 IMPLAN Software data

MEDP was founded in 2006, by McMinnville Industrial Promotions, McMinnville Water & Light, the City of McMinnville, and the McMinnville Chamber of Commerce. 

Since 2016, local businesses and organizations have joined our Investor Circle to show their commitment to McMinnville's economy. Thank you to past and current investors: Ultimate RB (A Carlisle Construction Company), Northwest UAV, OnlineNW, Cascade Steel - A Schnitzer Subsidiary, Chemeketa Community College, Citizens Bank, First Federal, Granary District, Key Bank, OMEP, Organic Valley, Recology Western Oregon, R&H Construction, Solid Form, Willamette Valley Medical Center, Applied Physics Technologies, Cascade Capital Funding, Cascade Employers Association, Miller Consulting Group, Express Employment Professionals, Family Business Counsel, McMinnville Downtown Association, Oregon Lithoprint, and Wagner Advisory Group. Invest now.

Our Core Focus

At MEDP, we have four strategies to foster the growth of traded sector businesses and living wage jobs. Our work focuses on:

  • Business Retention and Expansion - Helping businesses located in McMinnville find the resources they need to stay and expand in McMinnville
  • Business Attraction - Continuing our mission to bring new money into the community
  • Workforce Development - Growing our workforce both internally and externally 
  • Innovation Development - Supporting local start-ups and entrepreneurs to help them grow

Investor Levels

INNOVATOR - ($5,000+) You believe in business strategies that embrace innovation and collaboration. 

ENGINEER - ($2,500+) You trust in strategic partnerships that influence high performance solutions. 

FABRICATOR - ($1,000+) You believe in forging a network of relationships that support the bottom line. (Suggested for financial entities)

CONVEYOR - ($500+) You trust in progressive thinking and strong actions. (Suggested for realtors and resource partners)

COLLABORATOR - ($150+) You support and value our partnerships, goals, and endeavors. (Suggested for individuals, consultants, and contractors)

Want to help? Invest here.

Want to learn more about how you can personalize your investment, please contact us by calling 503.474.6814 or emailing 

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