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Frequently Asked Questions about MEDP


What is economic development?

Ah, the eternal question. Economic Development can mean different things to different people. A simple definition would be economic development is the sustained and collective work of many organizations, citizens, and policymakers to promote an environment with a positive standard of living.

We recently heard one leader describe positive economic development as a three-legged stool with education, healthcare, and business playing equal and important roles. In our case, MEDP focuses on traded sector (manufacturing) business development as our part of the equation. However, we can help find resources for all businesses in or interested in McMinnville. 

Why does MEDP seem to focus on manufacturing? 

Truth be told, we do focus on advanced manufacturing most of the time. We believe our community needs a strong manufacturing base and traded sector infrastructure to support a vibrant economy. Manufacturers offer value to the community through job growth, career opportunities, and above average wages. 

We also work with our Partners like the McMinnville Downtown Association, Visit McMinnville and the McMinnville Chamber of Commerce to support commercial and retail commerce as well as tourism.  Innovation and entrepreneurial growth is also part of our make-up and we worked with regional partners to develop the Launch Mid-Valley initiative to support our startup community.

How can the private sector engage with MEDP's economic development efforts? 

Any business can call on MEDP any time about any business matter. We work with all businesses from start-ups to seasoned, small to large, in McMinnville or thinking about McMinnville. Company leaders can also support MEDP with an annual investment (see our Investor Circle).

Why was MEDP established?

The McMinnville Economic Development Partnership (MEDP) was established in 2004 to meet the critical need for a one-stop business development office. We opened our office in September 2006. Our primary focus continues to be retention, expansion, and recruitment of traded-sector (manufacturing) companies. 

We offer services to all businesses in McMinnville and considering McMinnville. MEDP markets our community and its many assets. We build relationships with industry leaders to better understand their challenges and then seek out innovative resources and solutions. To learn more, visit our Mission and History page. 

Who are the partners? 

Our founding partners are the City of McMinnville, McMinnville Water & Light, McMinnville Industrial Promotions, McMinnville Chamber of Commerce, and area businesses. Our board is made up of five members: John Dietz, Deven Paolo, Heather Richards, Teresa Smith and Mike Morris. To learn more visit our Staff and Partners page. 

Is MEDP a Chamber or Downtown Association?

Neither. We are a stand-alone organization created to support our business community. MEDP is a 501c6 Public/Private Partnership.  We do work closely with our Chamber and Downtown Association to support business needs.

Where does MEDP get its funding? 

MEDP is not a membership organization. Our founding partners (City of McMinnville, McMinnville Water & Light and McMinnville Industrial Promotions) make annual investments. Organizations, companies, and individuals who believe in our mission invest in MEDP as well through our Investor Circle or through sponsorship of events.

Who is the main point of contact for MEDP?

Please contact our Executive Director, Patty Herzog, at You can also call us at 503.474.6814. 

How can I Invest in MEDP?

Please visit our Investor Circle page to learn how you can help support MEDP and invest in the future of McMinnville. 


“[The MEDP team] are wonderful resources. They help us share best practices and other resources that make all of our businesses stronger.” 

– Sherl Hill, General Manager, Freelin-Wade

Looking for more information? Give us a call at 503.474.6814

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