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Grow Yamhill Valley: Seeding Our Future Vitality

Feb 16, 2017

Jody Christensen and County Commissioner, Stan Primozich, stand together.
MEDP Executive Director, Jody Christensen, stands with Yamhill County Commissioner, Stan Primozich, after receiving a Small Grant

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection." - Mark Twain

Yamhill County is home to over 4000 successful businesses and manufacturers all supporting our thriving communities and embracing a pioneering entrepreneurial spirit. In 2012, to encourage a continuation of this prosperity and the continuous improvement seen in the area, leaders from around Yamhill county came together to create Grow Yamhill County. The program supports economic development in Yamhill County through resources including marketing the county, bringing leaders together, and creating a way to fund companies and organizations who are committed to economic development within the area. This funding is realized through Yamhill County’s grant programs. Since 2011, $497,360 has been awarded to businesses and organizations within the county, funding over 45 businesses and organizations.

For companies looking to expand, locate, start, and create economic development in their communities, the county has two grant programs, the Strategic Investment Fund (funding varies depending on nature of project), and the Economic Development Small Grant Program (grants equal to or less than $10,000).

The Strategic Investment Fund is dedicated to providing companies and organizations with capital that will support new job creation and business growth. According to the Yamhill County website: “This is a unique opportunity for businesses within Yamhill County to request funds which will directly support business growth, efforts in job creation, business retention, relocation or expansion, or equipment purchases that directly create jobs.”

Nick and Kim Walton received a Strategic Investment Fund Grant in 2016 for the company, Flag & Wire.
Nick and Kim Walton received a Strategic Investment Fund Grant in 2016 for their company, Flag & Wire. Photo from Grow Yamhill County Facebook

2016 recipients of the Strategic Investment Fund in McMinnville include Ferrum Technology Corp., Flag & Wire Coffee Company, One Fork Farm, and eCNC. The effects of this fund are already being realized at the companies. It provided Ferrum Technology Corp. the ability to expand their facilities, Flag and Wire Coffee Company the resources to purchase new equipment, and gave One Fork Farm the funds to purchase a commercial kitchen and retail location. All the companies have also created new jobs in McMinnville over the past year.

The Strategic Investment Fund offers businesses and organizations an unique opportunity in that the application is always open and there is no maximum funds that can be received. To apply, companies must have an activity in mind and be able to identify milestones within their activities.

Grow Yamhill County also funds the Economic Development Small Grant Program. Applications for the Small Grant Program are open January 1 - March 1 each year with grants disbursed in November. The Small Grant Program supports ongoing operations and projects of businesses, organizations, government entities, and educational institutions which help grow Yamhill County’s economy. The projects are the best example of grassroots economic development - the recipients are making positive impacts on job creation and/or business expansion.

McMinnville based first generation farm, Even Pull Farm, was awarded money at the Yamhill County Small Grant Award Ceremony in November.
McMinnville based first generation farm, Even Pull Farm, was awarded money at the Yamhill County Small Grant Award Ceremony in November.

This past November, recipients from the Small Grant Program in McMinnville included Type A Press, Even Pull Farm, Angie’s Kitchen, and the McMinnville Economic Development Partnership. These funds help McMinnville companies prosper and create jobs. Not only are many of these companies unique in their products and services, having this type of fund helps entrepreneurs grow their visions and diversify the economy in McMinnville.

As Mark Twain said: “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” With the Yamhill County Grant Program, we are lucky to live in a community that sees the importance of continually supporting the efforts to raise prosperity for all in the area. For companies looking to take advantage of the Small Grant Program this year, there is still time to apply! Applications close on March 1, 2017. Learn more on the Grow Yamhill County website or give us a call.


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